Update 1: Lab Dips & Production Order Placed

Here on the project tracker, we'll be publicly posting the updates that are normally only shown to customers who have partaken in a pre-order for a longer-term project we're working on. In this case, we'll be tracking the progress of our SMERSH belt kit made by Arktis UK.

First, we wanted to thank everyone who's participated thus far — it's been one of our most well received projects ever.  

As of this post, we've submitted the full SMERSH order to Arktis for production - this means they now have the numbers needed to source the correct amount of materials to make all of the ordered SMERSH Rigs.

And speaking of materials, we're now working on color lab-dips to match the original Russian "Olive" color for the main body fabric. Of course, the big difference will be that it's NIR compliant thanks to Arktis' fabric expertise.

As of this post, we're still on track to fulfill all orders in Q3 2024 (July-September) and we'll have a more specific delivery date as that gets closer.